Sunday, February 16, 2014

Summary and Response "Evolution of Swimsuit"

                “Evolution of Swimsuit” by Jessica Rey is a video that shows how the bathing suit has changed over the years. Rey expresses how she thinks over time people have lost their natural modesty thanks to society. She states that now people do not think of modesty as attractive. Rey wants people to know that you can still be attractive and be modest about it. In her article she shows how people react to a girl in a whole piece and how they react to a person in a bikini.
                When I first heard the speech I was convinced that yes the bathing suit has gotten smaller and that thanks to society we have lost our modesty. I was convinced that in the early years of the bathing suit were more modest. I thought that she proved her point when she explained that she had asked young teen girls and their idea of modesty was dressing like a grandmother. To me she did a good job with backing up her reasoning when she showed the history of the bathing suit also.

                Once we started talking about it in class I noticed some of the flaws in her speech. To me her biggest flaw with the speech was that she mentioned her bathing suit line. I felt like her mentioning her it towards the end of the speech made it weak because it seemed like she brought up all that information so she can convince people to by her product at the end. If she would have just showed some swimsuits that were one piece that were not hers and that looked good it would have made her speech stronger.