Thursday, January 23, 2014

A First Amendment Junkie by Susan Jacoby (Summary and Response)

                In the essay “A First American Junkie” by Susan Jacoby, a well-known feminist writer, it talks about censoring pornography is not right. She believes it is a violation when it comes to the first amendment. In the article she is not pounding on feminist but showing that some of their arguments have flaws. For instance Jacoby says people always compare kiddie porn to adult porn but those two are just not in the same lane because it is not a first amendment issue.
                Now I have never watched porn so I cannot really say well feminist are taking this to fare. But it is a right people do have to make porn. In the essay it says feminist see pornography is a “threat to women.” How is it a threat?  To be honest I do not know if it is really a threat but I do know that some pornography might be offensive to women. I can see woman being offend by the way a person might depict women in it. In the essay Jacoby talks about how she showed women photos from playboy and Penthouse and how she got a range of different responses to them. This just shows that some people see it as some type of art while others do not.

                When Jacoby says it is a violation when it comes to the First amendment, I agree. When feminist want to censor pornography it’s like telling that person they cannot express themselves fully. There are artist who paint pictures of the female body and I am sure it doesn't rub all women the same way. Some might like it and see the artist point of view and others might look at it like why are you showing a women naked like this, this is wrong. They can find it wrong but they can’t go and say this is way too much you must change it. My point is just because it’s not appealing to their eye doesn't mean that person has to change it because it’s their right to be able to express things however they like. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

"Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" Summary and Response

            The essay “White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack” by Peggy McIntosh talks about the privileges she has because of her race. These privileges which other races it is not common for them to get. Going shopping without being harassed or being asked to speak for people of her race are some of the things she states she does not have to deal with in her essay.
            To me the essay does point out a lot of things other races are not privileged to have. For instance when she brings up being able to go places and buy products with her race on it. Not every African American, Hispanic, Asian, and etc. can go somewhere and pick up a card or a doll that resembles there race.

            I also think the essay not only shows the privileges that a lot of races do not receive but also how they are steroid typed. “I can be late to a meeting without having the lateness reflect on my race.” (Paragraph 39) A lot of times acts that a person does or is expected to do is because people have come to a conclusion that this is what people of that race do. Is it right for them to assume that, no, but they do it anyways. The article from my point of view shows flaws that society should work on when it comes to race. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

"The Undercover Parent" Summary

“The Undercover Parent” is a newspaper article written by Harlan Coben. In the article Coben talks about how parents now have spyware on their computers to watch what their children are doing. At first he did not agree with it. Then he shows that he does agree, he states that “we all know about the boy unknowingly conversing with a pedophile or the girl who was cyberbullied.” Coben does not agree with parents being nosey but just keeping an eye on things. Just making sure the children stay safe and out of trouble. When it comes to if the children should know about the software, he believes they should and that you should tell them your concerns and why you have it. 

Monday, January 13, 2014

So my name is Jasmine. I am thinking about majoring in physical therapy and I can sing. In this class I would like to learn how to write papers better.